Tips and Tricks to Stay Warm and Cozy in Your Vela on Camelback Apartment

While Phoenix winters never have the epic blizzards and Nor’easters like they have in other parts of the country, they do get cooler. That can mean comfortable apartment living feels cold and damp. To address that, here are tips and tricks to stay warm and cozy in your Vela on Camelback Apartment.

Phoenix Winter

The average winter temperature in Phoenix in winter ranges from 50 to 60 degrees F. It is more rainy than usual and cloudy days (at least partially) are common. Those realities mean the public parks in Phoenix are usually packed during good days.

How to Get and Stay Warm

One of the best cold weather tips is to go through the process of winterizing your apartment. In addition, there are several practical ways you can stay warm in your apartment.

Cook Your Dinner: Your oven and stove put off a tremendous amount of heat. Just by cooking a meal, you can increase the ambient temperature of your apartment. Remember that you should not try and heat your home by leaving your oven or stove on.

Sweaters, Fleeces and Hoodies: Just about everyone knows about dressing in layers outside, but it can be done inside as well. An ensemble of a short sleeve t-shirt, long sleeve shirt and fleece can ensure you stay warm but can get cooler quick by shedding a layer or two.

Open Door Showers: Humid air makes the ambient temperature feel warmer. Plus, hot water will raise temperatures around your bathroom. You will be surprised how much one hot shower can help your apartment feel warmer.

Apartment Features

In addition to these tips, you have the standard amenities that come with your apartment. Those include centralized heating, draft-proof windows and doors.

It will be a rare occasion that your apartment gets chilled because of the season. If that happens, these tips on how to stay warm can ensure you are thoroughly prepared.